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Teach Your Child to Read in 20 Easy Lessons

the reading lesson teach your child to read in 20 easy lessons

Look what came in the mail! Isn't that a beautiful stack of books, software, and DVDs?!!  I wasn't familiar with all of the options available from Mountcastle Company, but I'm so glad to have found them!

The Reading Lesson:  Teach Your Child to Read in 20 Easy Lessons (Review)

I honestly love teaching my children to read.  It's such an amazing achievement for them, and it's so much fun to play a part!

Through the years, I've researched and looked through several reading programs, but The Reading Lesson was new to me.  Up to this point, I've used several different approaches–mainly utilizing what was available in our curriculum and supplementing with BOB books, other easy readers, and whatever else I can find in my old teaching files!

If you are like me and haven't heard of The Reading Lesson,  it's a complete reading curriculum that uses phonics, sight words, and a guided-reading approach to get children from a beginning level to a second-grade level.  The book is aimed at young children ages 4-7.

the reading lesson 20 easy lessons

What I loved about The Reading Lesson:

  • It's all in one spot! All of the lessons are contained in one book, and I didn't have to compile various resources just to get started.
  • It's easy-to-use. Grab a pencil (and we grab an "eye" spy wand, too), sit down beside your child, and you're ready to begin.  It's simple!
  • It's inexpensive. It's a complete reading curriculum to get your child to a 2nd grade reading level for under $25.
  • It has simple computer software to go along with it.
  • There is also a companion video for teaching your child letter sounds. My younger girls thought it was "really funny, mom!"
  • But…you don't need any of the extras!  The Reading Lesson can be used all by itself–supplemented with favorite books and easy readers just for fun, of course!
  • My daughter asks to do it every single day. What else can I say?!!

As a former teacher, I am quite happy with the order and depth of the lessons in The Reading Lesson:  Teach Your Child to Read in 20 Easy Lessons.  I will mention that you might be fooled by the title!  If you are expecting 20 short lessons, you won't find them in this book.  These are longer lessons–more like units (probably 15 pages or so per lesson).  We took about a week each on the first two lessons.

There are some unique things about the lessons.  For example, in the beginning, sentences are not capitalized.  If you don't understand the purpose of that, it might seem a little disconcerting (especially if you are Type A)!  This actually goes quite well with my belief that lower-case letters should be taught first.

You'll also find words that have a space in them–i.e. grandma is printed as grand ma.  Teaching children to break words down–especially when you are teaching very young children to read–is essential or it can be overwhelming to them.

Overall, I think The Reading Lesson is an amazing value for the price and will be effective for many young children.

You can find out more about the program and download two free lessons here.

big words for little kids

Big Words for Little Kids

We have been working on Latin and Greek roots this year, so this book fits perfectly.  It teaches roots, prefixes, and suffixes to help little kids gain an advanced vocabulary quickly and easily.  Embarrassingly, I've learned a few new things just by skimming the book!  We'll work on this during our summer lessons!

verbal math lesson

The Verbal Math Lesson 1 & 2

Honestly, math isn't my strength.  I took calculus in high school just so I could do well on my ACT (then, I promptly forgot everything I learned).  🙂

The Verbal Math Lesson books guide your child to thinking mathematically and teach your child to work the problems mentally.  This is a great benefit and something my little learners need help doing.

These are recommended for ages 4-7 (Book 1) and 7-8 (Book 2). These are also a summer project, and I'll share more once we've used them for more than a few days!

I also received:

  • The Storybook
  • The Writing Lesson

You can find individual items or a complete package for a discounted price over at  Shipping is free on orders over $20.  Also, use the code motherhoodonadime00 to save 20%!

If you're just interested in purchasing The Reading Lesson, be sure to check Amazon as the price is pretty great!

Overall my impression of all the books and software I received are definitely favorable.  I'm really excited that my 4-year-old seems to be picking up on reading quite quickly!


I feel honored to be able to give away a package just like I received to one of you!  Filled with eight different titles (all mentioned above), I know you'll be blessed by these resources!

I'm trying something a little different for my giveaway today.  You'll need to fill out the form below to enter.  There is only one mandatory entry (which is just to enter).  There are also several other ways to enter, and they receive slightly more "weight" in the giveaway if you choose to complete them.  Just follow the instructions on the form below to enter!

This giveaway will end on February 7, 2013 at 10 PM CT.  The winner will be randomly chosen and have 48 hours to respond.  This giveaway is open to US residents over the age of 18.

Disclaimer:  I received these books to review.  All thoughts and opinions are my own.

(If you are viewing this in your email inbox, go here to the original post to find the entry form!)


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